Culture Statement
The Culture of Medical Associates of the Hudson Valley
We at Medical Associates of the Hudson Valley believe in a diverse culture that strives for excellence. Our Physicians enjoy practicing medicine with skill and dedication towards their patient’s needs and concerns. Our professional staff is selected to serve our patients with compassion and understanding. Patients should feel confident that they will be treated with kindness and respect.
At MAHV Physicians and Staff work together to continually improve the quality of care we provide for our patients. Together we embrace the spirit of teamwork, keeping an open mind, and a willingness to face challenges with positive attitudes.
We make every effort to do our best recognizing our strengths as well as our weaknesses, never forgetting we are here first and foremost for our patients. Accountability and ownership are the result, attributing to the integrity we take pride in.
The Physicians and Staff are closely connected to our community, and therefore we make it our goal to give back, participating in monthly fundraisers within the office. The proceeds are donated to our local shelters and organizations helping to support those in need.
From the first moment of a patient initializing an appointment, to the completion of their visit, our dedicated team of physicians and staff are committed to providing excellence in patient care and customer service. With a commitment to continually learn and grow, MAHV strives for an atmosphere where our patients are confident knowing their healthcare is in good hands.